—————————————————— The Brief, Bizarre Wave of Good Synth-Metal Bands | Rocks Off | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas


The Brief, Bizarre Wave of Good Synth-Metal Bands

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Sworn to Secrecy This band has the added Texas appeal of being from San Antonio, but would have been great no matter what part of the world they came from. Their mix had all the best parts of the Texas metalcore scene of the mid-aughts, but with the synth flares to set them apart.

Sworn to Secrecy broke up years ago, but some members now play in a band called 1919.

Nevea Tears Though they never took off, Nevea Tears were masters of this sort of thing, mixing the sounds of metalcore and synths perfectly. Their music was pretty raw, all things considered, but it showed a whole lot of songwriting talent underneath all that shoddy production.

These guys predicted a wave of similar bands that came along years after them, but unfortunately have never gotten the credit they deserved for it. Theoretically, they are still a band, but like a few of the others on this list have pretty much disappeared.


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