—————————————————— Best of Houston® 2019: Best Enchiladas | Houston Press

Best of Houston

Best of Houston® 2019: Best Enchiladas

For a true enchilada education, stop by Sylvia's Enchilada Kitchen.
For a true enchilada education, stop by Sylvia's Enchilada Kitchen. Photo by Jesse Sendejas Jr.

Best Enchiladas: Sylvia's Enchilada Kitchen

Sylvia’s Enchilada Kitchen’s signature dish has been recognized as some of the most delicious in the country (USA Today), state (Texas Monthly) and city (Houston Press Best of Houston, as recently as 2016). The enchilada market here is saturated, so cynics may find it tempting to scoff at too many accolades heaped upon a single establishment. The only remedy to such skepticism is to drag the jaded diner to Sylvia’s Woodway or Eldridge locations and have them sample the acclaimed menu. Once there, they’ll have to narrow their choices from variations including the usual suspects (cheese, ground beef, chicken, shrimp) and more interesting stuffers (veggies, carnitas, queso fresco, crab, to name a few). They’re all tucked neatly into handmade tortillas and topped with fresh, drool-inducing gravies.

Sylvia’s has built a lasting legacy over 20 years and its namesake, Sylvia Casares, has been dubbed “The Enchilada Queen.” She’s done more than elevate a simple food roll into royalty, she’s literally written the book on the subject (a cookbook – you can find it on Amazon). Long live The Queen.

6401 Woodway, Houston
1140 Eldridge Parkway, Houston

Readers' Choice:
Sylvia's Enchilada Kitchen
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