Best of Houston

Best of Houston® 2020: Best Taco

The cochinita pibil taco is the signature taco at Cochinita & Co.
The cochinita pibil taco is the signature taco at Cochinita & Co. Photo by Mai Pham
Best Taco: Cochinita & Co.

When half of your menu is made up of three tacos, you better believe that it’s gotta be good. That’s the gist of the offerings at Cochinita & Co., Victoria Elizondo’s taco stand inside Politan Row Food Hall in Rice Village. Her signature taco, the cochinita pibil, is something she perfected while hosting Taco Tuesdays at the now-closed Decatur Bar & Pop-Up Factory. A specialty from Mexico’s Yucatán peninsula, the dish offers pork marinated in a blend of citrus and spices such as achiote before roasting it slowly to achieve fall-apart consistency. Served on a fresh masa corn tortilla and topped with red onions escabeche and green tomatillo salsa, the final product is a masterpiece of flavors and textures: The earthiness of the corn masa, the acidic crunch of the onions, the tangy spiciness of the salsa, and flavorful juicy savoriness of the pork all come through bite after delectable bite.

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