—————————————————— Best of Houston ® 2023: Best Mexican | Houston Press

Best of Houston® 2023

Best Of Houston® 2023: Best Mexican

Fresh, inexpensive and authentic Mexican food at Cochinita & co.
Fresh, inexpensive and authentic Mexican food at Cochinita & co. Photo by Jesse Sendejas Jr.
Best Mexican: Cochinita & co.

We love authentic Mexican food and do not begrudge the chefs and restaurants who endeavor to put this incredible cuisine on white linen pedestals where it belongs. But when it’s presented at budget-friendly prices and doesn’t forsake the freshness or flavors of our favorite Mexican scratch-made recipes, well, that’s also something to celebrate. So, this year, we’re high on everything tasty and affordable from Cochinita & co. The East End eatery serves food with roots deep down to the Yucatan (cochinita pibil, vegan tinga and mole negro, for instance) from its dedicated space on Lawndale and sends select market products (totopos, salsa machis, a ridiculously tasty trail mix) to foodie favorites like Henderson & Kane and Burger Bodega.

Whatever you’re tasting, it’s fresh and largely drawn from local vendors, part of a community chef Victoria Elizondo leaned into when establishing the restaurant. And community is important to the James Beard Award semifinalist and DACA recipient. She recently took to the restaurant’s IG page to advocate for United We Dream.

Tuesday is Loteria night at Cochinita, perhaps the only thing given to chance at the restaurant. Everything else is lovingly cultivated to bring the tastes of the old country to a new home by a chef who's a shining example of how a city can benefit when Dreamers are allowed to dream.

5420 Lawndale, Suite 500
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