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Los Dos Amigos, Open Since 1976, to Shutter In February

A Houston Press reader emailed this afternoon to report a discovery that Los Dos Amigos (5720 Washington) apparently has plans to close in February.

Restaurateur Sammy Patranella Sr. of family-owned Patrenella's Ristorante Italia, just down the street at 813 Jackson Hill, has been a patron of Los Dos Amigos for years. He says that the block that includes Los Dos Amigos has been sold for future condo development.

Patranella says he's a close friend with the family who owns Los Dos Amigos and says it would be impossible for them to duplicate what they have elsewhere. "It's both a barrio restaurant and a yuppie restaurant all at the same time. If they were to reopen, they'd have to do something upperscale. That's what's happening these days."

Patranella says his own restaurant has no plans to go anywhere, but that it is hard right now on small businesses. "Taxes keep going up and the business doesn't grow, but we've been here for 23 years and we're hanging in there."

While a Los Dos Amigos employee could not tell the Houston Press exactly when they plan to shutter, she verified that the plan is to close.

This customer who initially emailed us is only one of many who will miss the place. Former Houston Press restaurant critic Katharine Shilcutt cited the cheese enchiladas at Los Dos Amigos as the #1 dish of her 100 Favorite Dishes list.

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Phaedra Cook
Contact: Phaedra Cook