Music Festivals

SXSW: The Food

If you're like most intrepid folks braving the crowds at Austin's annual South By Southwest Festival this year, you're either a relatively poor journalist, a relatively poor freelance writer or have recently been made relatively poor by shelling out mad Benjamins to purchase a pass.

Luckily for you, SXSW has more than just bands you've never heard of playing back alleys and self-proclaimed social media gurus schilling their latest product: It's also got a ton of free food. And rounding up all that free food is SXSW Free Noms, a Tumblr page that's keeping track of every party and panel that's offering free food, what it is, where it is and how you get it. Free pizza, free Chinese food, free funnel cakes, even free wine -- they've got all the bases covered. You can also keep track of all the latest free food news with them on Twitter: @SXSWFreeNoms.

On the other hand, if you have a little bit of cash to spare, there are plenty of parties where food -- not music -- is the headliner. Addie Broyles at the Austin American-Statesman has been keeping a cohesive and still-growing list of places around town that are hosting the biggest and best bashes. Among the parties: the Bacon Takedown at Emo's on March 14 and the wunderbar-sounding Lunch With The Germans on March 18.

If you're planning on roving the Silicon Hills while you're at SXSW, the Austin food blogger community has come together to create an incredibly handy guide to any kind of cuisine or setting you could want to explore. Fete and Feast has amassed a cornucopia of links, called The Food Bloggers' Guide to Austin, which will point you in the right direction.

If you're looking for Austin's best breakfasts, Cosmic Cowgirl has you covered. If you're in search of that elusive perfect taco, Taco Journalism can be your guide. Misohungry will lead you like a horse to water, and show you the best places to drink. The best part about the Food Bloggers' Guide is that all the contributing bloggers are also on Twitter, so you can follow them for great advice while you're in town and even throw them some questions if you get in a pinch.

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Katharine Shilcutt