—————————————————— Spoiler Alert! A Handy Infographic Guide to the Shelf Life of Fruit | Eating Our Words | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas

Grocery Guide

Spoiler Alert! A Handy Infographic Guide to the Shelf Life of Fruit

This is the first of a five-part series on keeping your groceries safe and sound. Check back at the same time each morning all week long for our guides to vegetables, meats, dairy and dry goods.

Have you ever been really excited to get a sweet deal on a clamshell of raspberries, only to find that they're all but covered in mold three days later? We know; those things get ruined faster than a prom dress at a kegger. That's why you have to keep an eye on them; they're only good for two days at most.

And did you know that most fruits emit ethylene gas, which speeds the ripening process of any other fruits around them? That's why it's best to keep them separated, and that's why sticking things like bananas into paper bags will make them ripen faster: Less exposure to oxygen and more exposure to the constantly recirculating gases will turn a banana black in no time.

Below is our handy guide to storing fruits and remembering how long you have before that bushels of peaches you bought on sale will last. Cut it out and stick it on your fridge before you ruin another box of berries.

See also: - Spoiler Alert! A Handy Infographic Guide to the Shelf Life of Vegetables - Spoiler Alert! A Handy Infographic Guide to the Shelf Life of Meat and Fish - Spoiler Alert! A Handy Infographic Guide to the Shelf Life of Dairy Products - Spoiler Alert! A Handy Infographic Guide to the Shelf Life of Dry Goods

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Katharine Shilcutt