—————————————————— Best Of Houston® 2022: Best Mocktail List | Houston Press

Best of Houston® 2022

Best Of Houston® 2022: Best Mocktail List

Zero-proof cocktails are as tasty and refreshing as they are boozeless at this Best Mocktail List winner.
Zero-proof cocktails are as tasty and refreshing as they are boozeless at this Best Mocktail List winner. Photo by Ralph Smith Photography
Best Mocktail List: Coltivare

One of the pioneers in embracing zero-proof cocktails, this Agricole Hospitality stunner puts out refreshing drinks for everyone, the sober, curious or just plain thirsty. Wash your wood-fired chicken, bucatini amatriciana and puffy squash pies down with seasonal selections like the hibiscus-lemon-kissed La Frambroise and Cafe Disco, an elderflower, honey and citrus number made with Lyre’s Coffee. While the menu changes, you’re always in good hands with the talented bar team.

3320 White Oak
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