—————————————————— Best Of Houston® 2022: Best Texas Cuisine | Houston Press

Best of Houston® 2022

Best Of Houston® 2022: Best Texas Cuisine

You'll want to dig into the house chili at this Best Texas Cuisine winner.
You'll want to dig into the house chili at this Best Texas Cuisine winner. Photo by Claudia Casbarian
Best Texas Cuisine: Wild Oats

Over at the reimagined Houston Farmers Market on Airline Drive lies a laidback, locally-inspired restaurant that would make any Texan proud. Talented chef-partner Nick Fine (a former sous chef at Ford Fry’s State of Grace before opening as chef de cuisine at One Fifth) leads the kitchen at the Underbelly Hospitality concept, using his Texan upbringing to put out a menu of refined local treasures from shrimp corn dogs and hot queso to main attractions like the delightful Gulf snapper and bigger-than-the-Lone-Star Wagyu chicken fried steak, plus stuff for the kids and, more importantly, churros!

2520 Airline
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