—————————————————— Best of Houston ® 2023: Best Barbecue | Houston Press

Best of Houston® 2023

Best Of Houston® 2023: Best Barbecue

Asian flavors meet Central Texas smokehouse traditions at Khói Barbecue.
Asian flavors meet Central Texas smokehouse traditions at Khói Barbecue. Photo by Jia Media
Best Barbecue: Khói Barbecue

Smoke is king at this game-changing Viet-Tex barbecue spot, which started as a side project from brothers Don and Theo Nguyen a few years back and has since grown into one of the most coveted ‘que pop-ups in the city. Now with a place to call home–aka Khói HQ, talented pitmaster Don (who you may know from Food Network’s “BBQ Brawl”) takes inspiration from Central Texas bbq traditions and Asian flavors to put out banging offerings, like the luscious smoked beef rib curry or chopped brisket sammy with bánh mì pickles. Follow its social media for updates on upcoming events and collaborations while it continues construction for its full opening.

2911 Hardy
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