—————————————————— Best of Houston ® 2023: Best Brunch in Midtown | Houston Press

Best of Houston® 2023

Best Of Houston® 2023: Best Brunch - Midtown

W+M's roasted carrot pizza is the weekend pick-me-up you never knew you needed.
W+M's roasted carrot pizza is the weekend pick-me-up you never knew you needed. Photo by Troy Fields
Best Brunch - Midtown: Weights + Measures

It may have been a while since you thought about Weights + Measures’ dukkah-spiced carrot pizza, but Xavier and Mari Godoy (owners of popular Heights haunt Mastrantos) hope to change that. The duo purchased the Midtown standby earlier this year, breathing new life into the menu and reviving old favorites like that roasted carrot pizza you didn’t know you needed in your life. Share it alongside pork belly arepa eggs benny, housemade Venezuelen cheese sticks and pastry boards from Love Croissants, the onsite pastry concept owned by established chef Omar Pereney.

2808 Caroline
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