—————————————————— Best of Houston ® 2023: Best Food Hall Restaurant | Houston Press

Best of Houston® 2023

Best of Houston ® 2023: Best Food Hall Restaurant

This wagyu toast is just one of the reasons to grab a seat at Kokoro.
This wagyu toast is just one of the reasons to grab a seat at Kokoro. Photo by Brooke Viggiano
Best Food Hall Restaurant: Kokoro

Chef-led food hall Bravery Chef Hall has been around for a few years now, and while there have been a number of concepts moving in and out of the food hall, Kokoro has been going strong from day one. That’s because its counter seats are one of the hottest tickets downtown, inviting guests to enjoy a high-level sushi and yakitori experience (chef-owners Patrick Pham and Daniel Lee are both well-known industry vets) combined with an easy-going atmosphere. Grab a seat and order showstoppers including the decadent wagyu toast with quail egg and caviar, Big Glory Bay king salmon belly and scallop-foie gras nigiri, and whatever awesomeness is on special at the moment.

409 Travis
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