—————————————————— Best of Houston ® 2023: Best Margarita | Houston Press

Best of Houston® 2023

Best Of Houston® 2023: Best Margarita

Tommy's (rocks) and the Verde (frozen) at Verde Garden.
Tommy's (rocks) and the Verde (frozen) at Verde Garden. Photo by Jesse Sendejas Jr.
Best Margarita: Verde Garden

“Verde” is the Spanish word for green and the green at Verde Garden is the familiar hue of everyone’s favorite Mexican cocktail, the margarita. The Montrose-area Tex-Mex eatery goes all-in on the elixir, with a dozen frozen Margs. With the single rocks margarita on the menu – Tommy’s Margarita, a refreshingly tart combo of tequila blanco, lime, orange and agave – it’s a tasty baker’s dozen for fans of the drink.

More than a dozen fresh, handcrafted, made to order variations – including some with ingredients like raspberry, olive brine, cold brew and heavy cream — means margarita aficionados may need to spend some time at the Garden to sample them all. Good thing the restaurant is spacious, with two bars, some indoor dining space and a massive outdoor seating area to wile the boozy hours away. Add tacos, enchiladas or the restaurant’s delectable guacamole and it's a fiesta. Traditionalists should start with the house frozen drink, the Verde Margarita. From the ground up, it's tequila or Mezcal, lime, agave, dry Curacao, mint and parsley and it's still our favorite of the diverse bunch.

1011 La Rue
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