—————————————————— Best of Houston ® 2023: Best Pizza | Houston Press

Best of Houston® 2023

Best Of Houston® 2023: Best Pizza

Mortadella and pesto, smoked mushroom and scarmoza, and tomato and calabrian chili are just some of the next-level topping combos at this "Best Pizza" winner.
Mortadella and pesto, smoked mushroom and scarmoza, and tomato and calabrian chili are just some of the next-level topping combos at this "Best Pizza" winner. Photo by Julie Soefer
Best Pizza: Elro

Former Pass & Provisions star Terrence Gallivan and his magical pixie dust are back, this time at his own neighborhood pizzeria and crudo bar set in a reimagined 1928 bungalow in Montrose. The concept is simple–combine really, really good pizza with tasty crudo preparations, but the execution is anything but. Gallivan’s puffy, blistering and scorched pies come topped with dreamy combinations like smoked maitake and scamorza or mortadella and pistachio pesto, and even the classic tomato and mozz pie proves that this chef’s still got it. Finish with some maraschino soft serve for good measure.

2405 Genesee
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