Pot Luck

Thelma Shall Rise Again

Thelma's B-B-Q will reopen at the corner of Scott and Southmore sometime in the not-too-distant future. The sign out front is already up. A note on the front door says the business will reopen on April 1st, but I'm thinking that's an April Fools Day joke. Granted, the dining room looks ready to go, but there is some masonry work to do and that hasn't even started yet. The building Thelma is taking over was previously used as a barbecue restaurant and there's a nice-looking brick pit already in place--it just needs some repair work. If I had to guess, I'd say we might get some of Thelma's smoked meat by May or June.

Thelma sends her regards and gratitude to the many well-wishers who left comments here. Drive by and say "hi" if you like. With any luck the relocation of Thelma's will help out some of the other restaurants in the neighborhood--like the famous juke joint called Etta's which is a few doors down the street. I used to eat Etta's enchiladas on Sunday nights when they had live blues. Maybe I'll go back and try them again while I wait for Thelma to start making brisket and catfish again.

-Robb Walsh

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