
Top 5 Appetizing T-Shirts For Foodies

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3. got bibambap?. Well, no, not on my person, but I would certainly like some. Perfect for anyone who's a fan of Korean food (and who isn't, really), this shirt simultaneously conveys the fact that you're worldly enough to know the name of specific dishes but also don't take yourself too seriously because of this knowledge.

2. Retro Reese's. Someone very near and dear to my heart owns this shirt and I swear to God, every time he wears it in public a stranger pays him a compliment. I could be donning a friggin' Alexander McQueen ballgown and no one would notice. Sigh. But I have to admit, it's for good reason: the bright orange color and retro logo would make even a sugar-free zealot nostalgic (hungry) for peanut butter cups. Mmmm.

1. Cinco de Mayo(nnaise). I first spotted this T-shirt at my gym and I sort of wanted to tear it off the guy wearing it. Which probably would have been scary for him, so it's good I didn't. Because I often have a nine-year-old boy's sense of humor, I appreciate the silly play on words. Plus, this shirt not only reminds me how mayonnaise makes everything better, but also gets me psyched for Cinco de Mayo Tex-Mex specials.

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