—————————————————— Best Of Houston® 2021: Best Vietnamese | Houston Press

Best of Houston® 2021

Best Of Houston® 2021: Vietnamese

Bun Cha Hanoi is a specialty of Pho Tan Loc in Sugar Land
Bun Cha Hanoi is a specialty of Pho Tan Loc in Sugar Land Photo by Mai Pham
Best Vietnamese: Pho Tan Loc

A hidden gem restaurant tucked away in a strip mall in Sugar Land, Pho Tan Loc is neither trendy nor popular. But it’s one of those mom and pop places that are a joy to discover, and it’s putting out some of most affordable, authentic Vietnamese food you can find in the city. The claim to fame here is a dish called bun cha Hanoi, chargrilled pork patties and grilled sliced pork served with herbs, fresh green vegetables and rice vermicelli in a deconstructed fashion. A dish that gained worldwide recognition after Anthony Bourdain and President Obama shared it during the Hanoi episode of “CNN: Parts Unknown,” Pho Tan Loc’s version is delicious and on point every time.

And that's not all: from bun rieu (crab and tomato rice vermicelli soup), to mi quang (turmeric noodles with pork and shrimp), to the exceptional seasonal dish, bo nuong la lot (grilled beef wrapped in betel leaf), or the very hard to find bun oc (escargot noodle soup), chef and owner DoanTrang LaiVu's commitment to quality and excellence is evident in every bite.

11603 S Texas 6, Sugar Land
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