—————————————————— Best of Houston ® 2023: Best Gulf Coast Restaurant | Houston Press

Best of Houston® 2023

Best Of Houston® 2023: Best Gulf Coast Restaurant

Start with oysters, then move onto all kinds of Third Coast treasures at this "Best Gulf Coast Restaurant."
Start with oysters, then move onto all kinds of Third Coast treasures at this "Best Gulf Coast Restaurant." Photo by Ally Hardgrave
Best Gulf Coast Restaurant: Josephine's Gulf Coast Tradition

The former Izakaya space in Midtown has been transformed into this Southern charmer from executive chef Lucas McKinney. Named after the chef’s great grandmother, Josephine’s serves inspired Gulf Coast fare with a focus on all things fresh and local — redfish from Palacios, TX served as a smoked dip with addicting ranch saltines; smashed boudin and fully dressed oyster po'boys; Creole smothered shrimp and heirloom grits; an R-C- Ranch wagyu dripping in seafood butter; and ace desserts like corn flan and peanut pie.

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