—————————————————— Sysco Slapped for Bait and Switch with Florida Fish | Eating Our Words | Houston | Houston Press | The Leading Independent News Source in Houston, Texas


Sysco Slapped for Bait and Switch with Florida Fish

Houston-based Sysco, the nation's largest food wholesaler, got nailed earlier this week by the office of the Florida Attorney General for passing off cheaper fish as grouper in 14 Tampa-area restaurants. (Hey, at least the company wasn't passing off pork as veal.)

Sysco, which has supplied food to Wendy's, Applebee's, the Four Seasons, Yankee Stadium and Club Gitmo, among tons of other places, will fork over $200,000 for the state's legal fees and another $100,000 in products to charity food programs.

Sounds like Tampa's homeless shelters will soon be having Fish Fridays every day of the week. -- Keith Plocek

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