—————————————————— We Try Berryhill's First Taco of the Month | Houston Press

Here, Eat This

The "TnT" Kicks Off Berryhill's Taco of the Month Series

Now there's a reason to visit Baja Berryhill Grill besides getting the fish taco. Actually, wait, there are plenty of reasons, including but not limited to the happy hour margaritas, huevos hogados and seafood chimichanga. 

But here's another one that will only be around for June: Berryhill's first-ever taco of the month, the "TnT." The name does not refer to the fact that this taco explodes with flavor (though it does) but rather identifies its components. Ensconced in warm corn tortillas is a pork tamale deep-fried in tempura batter topped with poblano peppers and drenched in queso. The combination of crunchy fried crust, pork meat, creamy cheese and pepper spice is unbelievable. 

Side note: DEEP. FRIED .TAMALES. Why isn't this happening more often?

The TnT is available at all Berryhill locations with the exception of the Sugar Land branch starting June 1, 2015. Go detonate one for just under four dollars.

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