Those Aussies who make Nads are big dirty liars. No, Crocodile Dundee, we do not like putting Nads on our face, our hairy back, or anywhere. It hurts. Dear Lord, it hurts. That's why we turn to electrolysis's technologically advanced younger sister, laser hair removal, and to the bedside manner of Dr. Esta Kronberg. Her staff takes all the time needed to answer every question and soothe every anxiety. And that's without an appointment even. Sure, it doesn't come cheap. At $800 a treatment (about five sessions in total) for a guy with a Robin Williams-like back, it's not for everybody. In some cases, such as unusual hair growth, which may signify a potential hormone problem, an arrangement can be made through insurance. The treatments are significantly shorter than having those electrified tweezers poke at you, with a total removal lasting only half an hour. There are cases where some fuzz will grow back, but a few follow-ups will fix that. Does it hurt? Somewhat. Painless hair removal is apocryphal. We'd like to believe it exists. Laser removal burns a bit, but the good doctor will give you some ointment to ease the pain.
It's not so much that she has done an excellent job of training a particular canine, it's that Patricia Mercer has been instrumental in ensuring hundreds of dogs a happy relationship with their new owners. As executive director of the SPCA, Mercer oversees a training program that gives larger dogs a better chance of being adopted. In addition to nudging people toward continued training for pups of any size, the SPCA provides adoption follow-up to guarantee that new owners provide the right care and make their new pet a welcome addition to the household.
If these guys can fix a glockenspiel music-box clock built in 1800 with all-wood mechanisms (which they can), just imagine what wonders they can work with that collection of old watches that's sitting in your bathroom drawer. Serving time since 1947, the shop has six folks on staff with degrees from watchmaking school, and they can often do the work while you stand there and gawk. The labor ain't cheap (it can run $14 to fix a clasp), but you want to wear that Swatch again, don't you?

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