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Pig Your Ride

Look for the Pig-Mobile
Every time I drive by the pig-mobile in front of Logan Farms Honey Hams at 10560 Westheimer, I swear I hear somebody squealing my name. So I finally broke down and took a look inside. Who knew that these spiral-cut ham franchises had classy dining rooms and steam tables loaded with ham steaks, sweet potatoes, collard greens, biscuits, pecan pie and the rest of the Southern cafeteria repertoire?

The list of ham sandwiches above the cash register was long and complicated. I went for the “Pig Po-Boy.” It’s a fully dressed bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich with country ham on a poor boy roll. The 6-inch version goes for $4.50, the 9-inch version sells for $5.50. Obviously, I went with the big pig. -- Robb Walsh

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